Directora del curso: Dra. Elena Sevillano FernándezM.D. PhD Unidad de Tumores Urológicos, Ginecológicos y piel HM Hospitales
Coordinador del curso: Dr. Jesús García-DonasM.D PhD M.D. Unidad de Tumores Urológicos, Ginecológicos
Composición de la mesa redonda
- Dra. Elena Sevillano
- Dr. Jesús García-Donas
- Dr. Joaquim Bellmunt
- Dr. Jesús García-Donas.
- Dr. Guillermo de Velasco
- Dr. Félix Guerrero
12.00-12.10h. Introducción.
Dra. Elena Sevillano
Dr. Jesús García-Donas
12.10-12.30h. Non Muscle Invasive
BGC unresponsiveness and alternatives to radical cystectomy?
Best options for patients after BCG
12.30-13.30h. Muscle Invasive Bladder Cancer
Neoadjuvant immune checkpoint inhibitors vs neoadjuvant cisplatin-based chemotherapy for MIBC?
Bladder sparing options vs trimodality therapy or radical cystectomy
Adjuvant treatment options in high risk patients of bladder cancer and upper tract urothelial cancer
New combinations options and biomarkers of response
Does variant histologies change your recommendations?
13.30h-14.30h. Advanced Disease
First line current strategies. Are we evolving towards a platinum-free future in urothelial cancer?
Second line therapy: Choosing wisely
Molecularly guided therapies for metastatic urothelial cancer
How FGFR status impacts treatment decisions and sequencing consideration?
Antibody-Drug Conjugates: new winning horse?
Where are we with treating HER2 genomic alterations?
Novel biomarkers associated with treatment outcomes
What is the role of artificial intelligence in screening and diagnostic of bladder cancer?
What is new and on the horizon?
14.30-14.35h. Despedida y cierre
Dra. Elena Sevillano
Dr. Jesús García-Donas